"Words are things; and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think." ~ Lord Byron
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A Life Lived in Chaos?
So where are we as a society when we seem to thrive on the lives and heartbreak of others? Is it in our DNA to gossip and watch how others make mistakes, downgrade their success, believe the unbelievable about others? Or does it satisfy our need to feel our lives are better and we’re superior to others?
We all decide how we live our lives and what choices we make for our children and ourselves. Sometimes, in retrospect, we question those choices, wondering if we chose wrong. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family with parents, grandparents, aunts and cousins who all had a deep regard for what is right and proper. My father has often been described as a man of character, brilliant and gentle. He certainly always seemed that way to me. I knew my boundaries, by example, and by word. As my son David raised his daughters and stepsons, I watched how patient, loving and gentle he was and how he taught them. He also instilled a great sense of humor in his children. Watching your children raise children is one of the most beautiful experiences we can hope for in this life.
All of us know someone we could label as a "Drama Queen", don’t we? Someone who is always in turmoil, the worst that can happen, does happen. They walk around with a cloud over their head. Sometimes they talk about "bad karma"; not understanding that would be their own doing. Oftentimes these people come from a fractured family, poor and with little education. They strive throughout their lives for approval and validation, however hard that may be to achieve. Sadly, a life lived in chaos can sometimes end in chaos as the life of Anna Nicole Smith has ended.
My main "Fluffy"*, Craig Ferguson, made the news last week when he discussed during his monologue how he didn’t feel we should all be jumping on the band wagon to ridicule Britney Spears. He talked about how her life was out of control, how young she is and has 2 babies at home who need her. She needs support, not ridicule and media attention so that she may be allowed time to get her life together. Craig Ferguson spent many years of his life, much of it a blur and not remembered, due to alcohol and drugs. He hopes that her life doesn’t end as sadly as that of Anna Nicole Smith. As do I.
* Fluffy: noun: my dream man; the object of my unfulfilled lust/love
"Alien Buddies" Adventure
Another adventure of "Linda Pendleton's Alien Buddies" just in time for this week's shows.

A Lesson Learned?
The sad and tragic death of Anna Nicole Smith has been difficult to escape unless you turn off cable news stations and stay away from computer news. But there are lessons here for all of us.
I did watch the Florida hearing and saw most all of it. I watched it live, on-line, so I wouldn’t have to listen to comments and interruptions by the media along with commercials. I didn’t want to hear slanted reporting or things taken out of context. I wanted the whole story. It was very complicated, having all the parties to the action and witnesses for each party. Some feel Judge Seidlin overstepped courtroom procedure, and at first, I wasn’t sure I cared for him. But by the second day, I could see why he was covering all the "bases" he did with his comments and questioning of the witnesses. I was also sure I knew by the end of testimony on the second day what his ruling would be. And I agree with that ruling. It was somewhat surprising that he talked of spirituality, lightened the tension with humor, and had an emotional reaction to the importance of the decision and how it would affect all involved. He had a difficult decision to make.
I saw an interview tonight with an attorney who has spent a lot of time in Seidlin’s courtroom and he said that is the way the Judge is, in the court room, off the bench, and socially, and was not "acting" for the cameras. He also mentioned Seidlin has a young child and is an emotional and passionate man. He added that all his lawyer friends like Seidlin as a judge. It now looks like Judge Judy may have some competition.
I’ve not liked Anna’s mother since the first time I saw her interviewed on TV, and I did not believe her to be fully credible on the stand. Let Anna Nicole Smith be buried with dignity and respect beside her son, Daniel where she wanted to be and should be. I can’t believe her mother is appealing the court’s decision and threatening to take it all the way to the Florida Supreme Court. Seems she’s not too bright and may be influenced by her attorneys who would probably be happy to see the case go on and on. I’m sure her retirement, as stated in court, won’t pay the attorney fees she is accumulating.
The media and television reporters have not given Anna Nicole Smith much respect throughout this. Admittedly, she had often created a somewhat outrageous profile by her own actions over the years. Some have called her a "dumb blonde" but I have not seen her life that way at all. Many people who knew her well, liked her, enjoyed her humor, and her sweetness. She was smart and far from dumb in the way she built her career. She apparently had a difficult upbringing, no father in her life, and a troubled and estranged relationship with her mother off and on for years. And I was behind her all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. It takes a strong person to stand up and take on a legal fight as she did. Any court battle is emotionally draining. And she won at the Supreme Court level. Time will tell if remaining issues are resolved in her favor at the "liberal" San Francisco 9th Circuit Court.
It appears her use of prescription drugs was out of control at times, but not at all times. I’d like to know why would any doctor prescribe narcotic drugs to a pregnant woman? Then again, the question, why would a pregnant woman even consider putting her baby at risk? Usually when someone is an addict they will not listen to anyone, so the responsibility does not lay with Howard K. Stern, her friends, or anyone but herself. She had to be willing to get off the prescriptions. This reminds me of Elvis and all the prescribed drugs he was given by doctors.
And as her bodyguard "Big Mo," the man who gave her CPR, said on the Larry King Show he believes "she died of a broken heart," and was in deep grief over the loss of her son, Daniel. He may be right. Her deep depression may have played a large role in the overuse of prescription drugs. I’m curious about something else, though. Will the final autopsy report show a physical ailment that may have contributed to her death?
We all need to pay attention to the lesson here. A similar lesson we should have payed attention to, not too long ago, was about rights before death, at death, and after. I’m speaking of another Florida case, the Terry Schiavo case. The lesson again is telling us that we all need to have wills and/or trusts, living wills, have our wishes in writing, and those wishes shared with loved ones. Who will speak for you when you are gone? The courts? I would recommend a Trust Document as they are difficult to protest, seem to give added protection for a person’s wishes to be carried out, and avoid probate.
The Will of Anna Nicole Smith posted on the Internet, appears not to be written in the usual manner of California wills, and may be only what they call a "pour-over will." There may be a Trust Document that would clarify her wishes regarding "children." We will see. I’ve done a Will and Trust in California, in Arizona, and again in California, and am familiar with the legal language normally used and my documents were done carefully, and most importantly, the way I wanted them.
The other lesson that should be of value is the situation with who is the biological father of her child. If safe sex, condom use, had taken place there would not be a line-up of men believing they could be the father of the baby. What if it turns out to be none of them? Will someone else come forward? I believe the baby looks like Howard K. Stern in the later photos I’ve seen.
The other thing that comes to mind was Anna Nicole’s connection to Marilyn Monroe and the comments she often made to others that she felt she would die young like Marilyn. Did she create that reality for herself? Subconscious or conscious? Whatever, it was her time to go. And now she needs to be put to rest where she belongs, next to her son. Of course, they are already together, but her burial wishes need to be respected.
Please pay attention to the lessons here. Be responsible, not only for yourself but for the future and your heirs. If you do not have a Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney, a Trust or Will, give this all some thought so you or your heirs are never faced with legal battles. Death and grief are emotional enough without having legal worries to face.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Crock Pot Dinner
Yesterday I fixed a great crock-pot dinner. It turned out delicious and I have left-overs that I’m looking forward to having tonight. I love using the crock-pot. Makes life easy.
Round-steak Crock Pot Dinner
One thick lean cut of round steak, 1 ½ inches thick. Cut away all fat from edge.
Rub with garlic powder, onion salt or powder, and salt.
Add about 1/3 cup of beef broth to crock pot. (I use the low sodium, no MSG, Herb-Ox Brand,
Add round steak whole unless it needs to be cut into two pieces to fit.
Chopped onion.
Two stalks celery, chopped.
Cup or more of fresh baby carrots.
Additional seasoning. You could add garlic gloves but I don’t like a strong garlic flavor.
Cook on high for about an hour. Turn down to low and cook for another four to five hours. I cut up four (you can add more) new red potatoes and added last hour and half. I wanted them cooked but not mushy.
The meat was very tender, fell apart with the fork. I served with fresh asparagus topped with a dab of Miracle Whip. It was delicious.
I have often done this same recipe with a chuck roast or such, but I believe the round steak had a much better flavor, less fat, and did not taste greasy like some cheaper cut of roast can.
Give it a try and experiment with your own additions and amounts of vegetables used, as I am not cooking for a family. Just enough for me to have a second dinner out of it.
I don’t cook fancy. Simple is my way!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Richard S. Prather's Date of Death
Richard S. Prather's official date of death was February 14, 2007. He was 85 years of age.
About mid-week, I will be sending his official obituary out to major newspapers for his family. His cousins want to thank everyone for the nice tributes that have been written by fans and fellow writers.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
"Linda Pendleton's Alien Buddies" Adventures
I have created cartoons from my drawings of "Alien Buddies." Check back soon for the next "Alien Buddies" Adventure.

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Help! I need somebody.
"Help me if you can, I'm feeling down." In the words of Paul McCartney, we all need to ask for help every once in awhile. Who of us do not feel helpless when we hear how the Katrina damage has not been resolved. Residents are still misplaced all this long time later. Homes are still sitting off their foundations with cars trashed in the yard. AIDS medicine cannot get to those who need it in Africa. The poverty we are constantly seeing either on the news, in magazines or our own backyard leave most of us with a heavy heart, especially if we aren't in a financial position to do something about it.
My plan was to retire with a nice income so that my lifestyle and spending would not be changed from what it had been in recent years. Not surprisingly, that has not happened. Poor planning and life events have changed that for me. With so much time on my hands I've found time to read all those books I never had time to dedicate myself to before. It took awhile, but I smartened up and realized I don't have to buy books anymore. I puruse the county library near me every 2 weeks or so, and come home with 6 new books to read. Most libraries are also looking for volunteers to donate some time for their literacy programs.
I've found out that you don't have to have experience as a carpenter to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. You are given a 2 week training class and they are able to use your talents to do all sorts of things. There is a chapter in Pomona and in Pasadena, both near me. Currently I'm in the process of packing, selling my condo and moving into a new mobile home. Once I'm settled there I plan on working with Habitat. Check it out www.habitat.org/local/
Another thing I am very excited about: those coin star machines in all the supermarkets don't just give you a certificate to use in the store. You can also choose to buy a Starbucks card, phone card or donate to charity. My favorite thing to do is go in the market, take the change only out of my purse, which makes it a lot lighter, and donate the money to America's Second Harvest. This is a huge food bank that makes provisions available in emergency situations. (Like Hurricane Katrina)
Last week I had over $10. in change and didn't even realize it. If everyone did this at least monthly, think about how good you will feel knowing your small amount of money is doing so much good. Look into www.secondharvest.org .
Have you heard about join red? This organization was founded by Bono and Bobby Shriver. Many retailers are selling red items and a portion of the proceeds go to AIDS programs sanctioned by the UN based, Global Fund. Go to www.joinred.com .
One of my favorites of all is the Heifer Project. This organization helps families become independent with the gift of animals. They become self sufficient, feed their family and neighbors and can give off-spring to others. Your donation of $20 can buy enough chicks to lay eggs to feed a family and to sell to villagers. A goat, which provides milk, would cost $120 but you may also just donate part of the cost for a share of a goat. There are sheep, rabbits and llamas which provide fur and fabric. The cost of a Heifer is $500 or a share is only $50. This organization is available for you to donate according to your own financial status. One of the great things is this: you can make a donation and give it as a gift to someone who has everything and needs nothing. See www.heifer.org
These are a few of the things I've found work for me with just a little looking around. I would love to hear what you have found that works for your situation.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Richard S. Prather, author
I have some sad news to report. Best-selling author, Richard S. Prather has passed away. (See my earlier post, Author Interviews to read more about him). I had been concerned these last couple of days about him. He has not been well for some time and about three weeks ago he hurt his back while picking up trash bags after his trash can had blown over. Last week he told me x-rays showed he had a compressed fracture of his spine and nothing could be done for it, except time for it to heal. He was having a lot of pain and said the only way he was somewhat comfortable was in bed. Walking was difficult.
On Wednesday morning I decided to call Sedona to find out what type of home care might be available for him, such as grocery shopping, light housekeeping, and maybe someone to cook some meals. I know he had been wanting some good home-made chicken soup with vegetables and rice. I had also suggested he needed a portable phone to have handy, something he did not have and told him I could order one for him if he wanted. So I had a list of phone numbers to give him after talking with a few Sedona social services organizations.
When I called about noon yesterday, he did not answer the phone. When he did not answer my second call four hours later, I became even more concerned and my intuition told me strongly something was wrong. I even thought of calling the Sheriff’s to have them check on him, but did not do so. This morning I called again. No answer. So I called the local hospital to see if he might be a patient there. He was not. I then called the homeopathic doctor I knew he had been seeing these last months. She returned my call an hour later to tell me that she and his other doctor had also become concerned and called the Sheriff’s Department yesterday to check on him. They found him dead in his bed. As I told her, in some ways I guess I was not surprised to hear that. I believe I was somewhat relieved to know he had not fallen and was unable to get to the phone. So at this point I do not know what will be his recorded date of death.
Richard S. Prather will be missed by many. His literary legacy will live on, and it seems kind of special that his last published (republished) book is now out there in the bookstores, The Peddler, first published in 1952. And I’m glad I was also able to publish online what has now turned out to be his last interview. He (and I) have been pleased with the response we have received to his interview, and he has been delighted with the excellent book reviews on The Peddler.
This last year when he struggled to complete my many questions for the interview, he had told me more than once that he was determined to get it done before he died. He also said we would not call it his "autobiography" as he knew of too many authors who died soon after publishing their autobiography. I told him we will just call it "your memoir."
I will miss him and our long telephone conversations about writing and life.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
A Meeting of the Minds by Linda
I recently wrote an article based on Dr. James Martin Peebles’ (1822-1922) writings from his numerous books and his friendships and knowledge of many poets and philosophers of the 19th century.
It is called, A Meeting of the Minds: 19th Century Poet-Philosophers Explore Spirituality, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Martin Peebles, and Walt Whitman, by Linda Pendleton.
The 19th century was an age of artistic renewal, rich in philosophy, poetry, and literature. We were given the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Wordsworth, Walt Whitman, Yeats, Longfellow, Henry David Thoreau A. Bronson Alcott, Whittier, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Tolstoy, William Blake, Coleridge, Tennyson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Hawthorne, Victor Hugo, Herman Melville, Shelley, Charles Dickens, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Abraham Lincoln, Samuel Clemens, James Martin Peebles, and numerous others, who have all enriched us with their sensitive understanding of the wonders of life.
It was at mid-19th century when Spiritualism came into the forefront and flourished in America and worldwide. Varied beliefs and practices grew from the conviction that the living and the dead could communicate. Although much of the literature of ancient days spoke to the idea that there is an afterlife, a continuing life-cycle, during this period the belief became more pronounced and was very much a part of the writings and social activities of many in literary circles.
Dr. James Martin Peebles’ literary endeavors and world travels allowed him an opportunity to meet many people within prestigious literary, political, and religious/spiritualists circles. He authored many books throughout his long lifetime on Spiritualism and his world travels, and within his books not only did he present his own poetry but the poetry of others, especially poetry with a spiritual theme of eternal life and communication with those on the other side.
I have posted the link in the sidebar if you are interested in reading more.
Author Interviews by Linda
Recently I did a long interview/discussion with best-selling author Richard S. Prather, creator of the Shell Scott Mystery series. I hoped to create an unique and informative interview with a look at Richard S. Prather’s long writing career and his life. He is now eighty-five years of age. I believe we accomplished what we set out to do. I recently posted the interview to my late husband’s website, http://www.donpendleton.com
It was in 1950 that Richard’s first Shell Scott mystery novel, The Case of the Vanishing Beauty, was published by Fawcett’s Gold Medal Paperback Originals. His successful and best-selling Shell Scott series of thirty-six novels plus four short story collections, published between 1950 and 1987, have sold over 40 million copies in the United States and have enjoyed foreign language publication, selling millions more world-wide. In addition to the Shell Scott mysteries, Richard penned three novels under pseudonyms. He wrote the first Dragnet novel based on the television show, Dragnet titled, Dragnet: Case No. 561, published under the name, David Knight; used that same pseudonym for the initial publication of Pattern for Murder, later republished by Gold Medal Books as The Scrambled Yeggs by Richard S. Prather; and used the pen name Douglas Ring for The Peddler, which was later republished under his own name by Gold Medal. He also published a number of short stories; and lent his name to the Shell Scott Mystery Magazine. The Peddler, a non-Shell Scott book, is now back in print, released by Hard Case Crime in November, 2006.
I enjoy doing interviews with authors. On the sidebar, Author Interviews by Linda Pendleton, in addition to the Prather interview, you will find links to two other interviews I’ve done with friends. Athena Demetrois, medium and trance-channel for the spirt guide, James Martin Peebles, Dr. Peebles being the subject of two of my nonfiction books. Athena hopes to soon publish her book on her journey of healing and spiritual growth. Her life story is an important one as she suffered sexual abuse as a very young child, and in her search for God she had a spiritual awaking and found healing. The other interview is with E. Nora Amrani, metaphysician, and author of American Indian Women Poets: Women Between Worlds.
I have also added links on the sidebar to two of my slide show meditations. Soul Reflections features my original nature photos, famous quotations, and beautiful instrumental music by Carey Landry. The second, Forgiveness Meditation also features a beautiful song by Carey Landry. If you need a few minutes to escape from the chaos of the day, I believe you will find the meditations enjoyable and relaxing.
Also on the sidebar are new links to my ECards and to my Sedona, Arizona original photographs. Please visit my free Ecards and send them to your friends and loved ones. I lived in among the beautiful red rocks of Sedona for nine years. I hope you enjoy viewing the beauty of nature.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Taylor Hicks, American Idol
I bought American Idol Taylor Hicks’ new CD and I really like it. All the songs are good. Often when I buy an album I may not care for all the songs. There are only certain singers that I prefer to listen to for an hour. Seldom do I enjoy a full album of a female singer. I’ve always liked Anne Murray, but at the moment cannot think of another female singer that I enjoy listening to a full album of songs. I don’t know why the female singing voice bothers me, but it often does. My favorites have usually been males and, for the most part, country singers. I have always been a Johnny Cash fan, and I’ve always liked Elvis, especially his early songs. I can listen repeatedly to The Eagles, Johnny Lee, Ronnie Millsap, Elton John, Willie Nelson, Rod Stewart, and Meatloaf, for instance. Did I hear recently that The Eagles are coming out with a new album before long? I hope so.
I’m not really into a lot of the current music. I suppose one might say my taste for music is stuck back in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. And there were lots of good songs and singers in those days.
I was a Taylor Hicks fan almost from the beginning of American Idol last season. His dancing and movements were somewhat bizarre at times, but what I saw was genuine talent and charisma. I believe his soulful eyes drew me to him in addition to his soulful singing. There is something about him, not only while singing, that reminds me of the early Elvis Presley. Nancy liked Taylor Hicks, also, and we both wore out our phones voting for him, and lots of votes for Elliott Yahim, too. LOL. Taylor’s on tour now and I hope that increases his album sales. Other American Idol favorites of mine have been Carrie Underwood and Fantasia.
In the numerous interviews I’ve seen since his American Idol win, Taylor appears so genuine, down to earth, laid back, and pleasant. I like that about him. I visited his website last night and there, surprisingly, you can hear a few of his songs in entirety from his new CD. When I purchased his CD I was able to go to his site and download for free his song from the American Idol final, "Do I Make You Proud." I love that one. His website is: http://taylorhicks.com/
And yes, I am getting into American Idol again this season. I will be glad next week when they start the elimination rounds so we can see what kind of real talent ended up in Hollywood. The shows the last couple of weeks have had on the weirdos, the poor souls who cannot sing a note, and the ones you feel sorry for because they have been convinced by others they can sing.
It’s surprising the huge ratings American Idol receives. It appeals to all ages, young and old. Is it because people like a success story? Does it give hope that all things may be possible? We see examples on each season’s shows of how a singer improves over the weeks, not only vocally, but in style and stage performance. And do we admit we must like the antics of the judges: how silly Paula will be, or how rude Simon will get, and how many times Randy will tell the singer he or she is pitchy? Viewers must find that entertaining. And admittedly, I find little else entertaining on television.
So our Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are booked for a while. And Monday's will be booked when Dancing With the Stars returns. Are you wondering who the athlete dancer will be this next season? Will there be another Jerry Rice or Emmett Smith? And who will be the new George Hamilton or Jerry Springer? That’s another show that can be addicting.
Taylor Hicks on American Idol

Could Impeachment Finally Be on The Way?
So about that Nerd we have in the White House. Great news today because he finally pissed off a Congressman who won't take it any more. And he's a Republican. I'm sure most of you in the Western states has heard about the trial and imprisonment of two Texas border patrol agents, Campion & Ramos. While doing their job they shot a drug runner in the buttocks as he was attempting to drive a van full of marijuana over the border. Sadly both border patrol agents had to leave their wives and children and report to jail in January even though there has been a public outrage about the charges. The Federal prosecutor apparently has deaf ears. Mr. Illegal Drug Runner is suing the US for 5 million dollars. Ramos has already received a beating even while confined alone to his cell for 23 hours a day. Congressman Dana Rohrbacher, R California, was so infuriated when he heard of the beating, saying at a news conference on Wednesday, that he will start impeachment hearings against the President if any more harm comes to Campion or Ramos. This story has been in our news and on talk radio for several months with web sites devoted to getting this injustice out to the public; petitions have been presented to the White House and still our president has not gotten around to "looking into this matter".
There are several things our current "Leader" (I refuse to call him President) has done that should have resulted in a threatened impeachment, but so far none of it has led to anything. I guess we are going to take forever to charge the illiterate idiot so he can scoot out of office with what he thinks is a great record.
After all, he is the decider.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Linda's Pale-Pink Thoughts
On a rainy day, when making your bed, have you ever wanted to crawl back into your bed and get comfy again?
Even though today was not a rainy day, I realized every time I have this pair of soft, pale-pink sheets and pillow cases on my bed, I have a strong desire to climb in and pull the sheets around my shoulders and feel comfy and cozy. This desire does not happen when I use other color sheets such as the dark-blue ones I had just changed. Nor does it happen when I use any other color and design. I do not like busy sheet designs, and usually prefer a plain or simple design.
What I have to do when I have this particular pair of pale-pink sheets on my bed, is to make the bed soon, so I will not walk by it unmade and find myself crawling in again. So maybe that is a good thing. At least it keeps my bedroom neater.
I’m not into color therapy but I do have my favorite colors, and I would suppose those favorites make me feel good. And I know I reject those colors that do not feel good to me, as I suppose we all do. I like most all shades of blues, some greens, rose colors, browns, lavender, and burgundy, if not too dark. Colors I do not care for are oranges, most shades of yellow, and many shades of red.
While growing up in Southern California in the 1940s and 1950s, before the time of smog pollution, and before dryers, our wash was hung outside on the clothesline to dry in the fresh air. Washday was on Mondays in our home, and I loved the smell of clean sheets every Monday night. I used to tell my Mother that I wanted her to wash sheets every day, and her response to me was when I grew up I could wash sheets every day if I wanted but she was not about to do so. Of course, by the time I grew up "every day" seemed like a bad idea!
Nancy mentioned in her fist post that we sometimes have opposing views. I would say that is seldom, but we do have differing interests, likes and dislikes. One area we seem to be in agreement on is politics. I would have to add that was not always the case in earlier days, but it has been now for several years. After all, we do live in a Blue State. LOL
One thing we were always in agreement about while growing up, was our dog, Paisano. He was such a friend. Here he is on his birthday.
So Cal Nancy
My first blog! This should be great fun. North Sister-South Sister, as you may already know, means my sister & I live in opposite parts of California. We also sometimes have opposing views, likes and dislikes. Amazing to have grown up together in southern California during the late 40’s, the 50’s and early 60’s, only 2 years apart and to have developed into two diverse & unique women. I continue to live within 5 miles of where I was born even though I always thought the East Coast was where I belonged. As a wee tike I spoke as a native New Yorker or Bostonian. Maybe a past life? When I visited New England in 1985, I felt like I had come home. I still plan to return there but watching the weather daily in Bar Harbor, Maine, I don’t think I’m a person who would be happy with 7 months of winter.
Having stayed in this area means I have seen enormous growth, change (not all for the better), congestion and influx of so many cultures. One major change is that people have become so rude. Not on a one-to-one basis, but when they are in a group or out in public it seems nobody wants to be accountable for their actions. In the drive thru lane at Starbucks every once in awhile there is a car ahead of me with a driver who is not paying attention to their surroundings and refuse to move up in the lane in a timely fashion. The problem with that is the traffic which is trying to turn in off the street ends up blocking the cars that are trying to get where they’re going. It seems everyone has their iPod or phone in their ear and is in their own little universe. Then there is the person who gets their drink at the pick up window and promptly wads up their receipt and drops it on the ground. Even though there is a trash can past the window for just that purpose.
Who do people think is going to come behind them and pick up their mess? It’s left for all of us to see blowing around on our streets and sitting on and under the shrubs along the roadway. Last week end as I was driving home from my son’s house, in the middle of the street just west of the left turn signal I saw a half full gallon of milk sitting on the pavement. What??? Who would have done that? You have to wonder if it was still cold, or all clumped together and smelly. Would the street sweeper pick that up in the middle of the road like that? The problem with crowded southern California is that there are so many of these instances that it just becomes part of our landscape. And what is familiar, that you see everyday, becomes acceptable.
Nancy February 6, 2007
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Linda's Saturday Night Musings
I am excited to have a joint blog with my sister, Nancy. After getting the blog up and going today, my last couple of hours have been spent wondering what to write for my first entry.
I am an author. When asked what I write, my response most often is, "Fiction and nonfiction. My writing goes from flying angels to flying bullets!" I may also then add, "Of course, not usually in the same book."
My writings cover a variety of genres: inspirational/new age nonfiction, mystery/suspense, Comic books, poetry, angel cards, ecourses, and screenplays. A lifelong interest in the fields of metaphysics and the paranormal has influenced my writing and research.
In 1990, the nonfiction book, "To Dance With Angels," coauthored with my husband, renowned author Don Pendleton, was published by Kensington Books, and is now in its fourth edition. The book is a definitive study of life and death and spirit communication and was my first book of several nonfiction books in the area of metaphysics, spirit communication, the paranormal, and self-help.
My fiction includes mystery, suspense, historical novels; Comic adaptation and scripting of two of my late husband’s action/adventure series novels, "The Executioner: War Against the Mafia" and "Death Squad"; screenplay adaptations of several of our novels; and an original screenplay. I recently completed a private eye novel (doing the hard work now of finding a publisher) and am currently at work on two novels. You can read more about my books at my website: http://www.lindapendleton.com
Actually I have three websites, listed below under Favorite Links. My excellent web designer, Judy will probably be thrilled to see I now have a blog so I won’t be bugging her all the time to add to my websites. LOL
I was pleased to learn today that Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was recently inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame, 2007. It is too bad she was not given that honor before her passing in August of 2004. She was an incredible woman, and I was lucky enough to have known her personally. Her last book, "On Grief and Grieving," written with David Kessler, completed shortly before her death, is excellent for anyone who has lost a loved one. Her work on death and dying has impacted millions of people and will continue to do so for many years to come.
I was saddened earlier this week to learn of author Sydney Sheldon’s death. I very much enjoyed his novels. His characterization of female protagonists was so good that you’d forget a man had written the book. I heard him speak at the Santa Barbara California Writers Conference in 1983 or 1984. A very interesting man.
Until next time, Linda