Comic graphic novel, Don Pendleton’s The Executioner: The Devil’s Tools, now available at book stores such as Barnes and Noble, Amazon, other bookstores and comic bookstores.
I wrote the Introduction to the Graphic Novel, which begins:
Introduction by Linda Pendleton: "Don Pendleton’s Creation of Mack Bolan, The Executioner."
"Our returning soldiers were treated badly and the events of this disturbing time in our American history inspired Don to write the first story for the Mack Bolan series. Don needed an enemy beyond redemption for Bolan and the criminal actions of the Mafia made them the perfect choice. After twelve years and thirty-eight books, the Mafia was fairly neutralized in real life. Since 1980 terrorists and international criminals have filled that role.
"My late husband had this to say some years ago about the development of his Executioner series: ‘When I wrote War Against the Mafia as a Vietnam statement, I didn’t expect much to come of it–but quite a bit came and it captured me. I continued the books to feed the obvious hunger that was there for heroic fiction.’"
To read more of my Introduction you will have to get the graphic novel....
This new original script of The Devil’s Tools is written by Douglas Wojtowicz, who has written several of Gold Eagles’ Executioner novels.
Published by IDW Publishing in conjunction with Harlequin’s Enterprises, Gold Eagle, World Wide Library. http://www.idwpublishing.com/
Read more about Don Pendleton at his official site:http://www.donpendleton.com/
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