Friday, March 29, 2013

Amazon and Goodreads' Marriage

I knew as soon as I saw the announcement that Amazon bought Goodreads, the slams against Amazon would begin. Today I received an email from the Authors Guild in which Scott Turow, current President of the Guild, stated: “Amazon's acquisition of Goodreads is a textbook example of how modern Internet monopolies can be built. The key is to eliminate or absorb competitors before they pose a serious threat. With its 16 million subscribers, Goodreads could easily have become a competing on-line bookseller, or played a role in directing buyers to a site other than Amazon. Instead, Amazon has scuttled that potential and also squelched what was fast becoming the go-to venue for on-line reviews, attracting far more attention than Amazon for those seeking independent assessment and discussion of books. As those in advertising have long known, the key to driving sales is controlling information."

I believe Amazon will make Goodreads better. Otis and Elizabeth have come a long ways with Goodreads in a fairly short time, but I do believe Goodreads will be easier to move about the site with a little help from Amazon. And for authors, who have had trouble adding the Amazon books at Goodreads lately, will be happy to have this change.

I have been a member of the Guild since 1990 and my late husband was a member since 1972. I did not renew my membership this past November because of the constant attacks the Guild has made on Amazon in recent years.

I admire Jeff Bezos and how he has built Amazon, not only to author satisfaction but to customer satisfaction. Amazon has given independent authors great opportunities. The publishers, authors, the Guild, again complaining are usually the same ones who complained and put down those of us who made business decisions to go with ebooks, and take control of our works. I love Amazon!

Even though a number of my books and my husband’s books are at B&N, and other retailers, none come close to matching the sales through Amazon.

And I buy all my books at Amazon, and have for many years now, along with just about any household items I may need. If you’re treated right, customers stay with the company. That’s called Success!


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