Today, feeling good and optimistic as I usually do, I returned home from an appointment to a message from my 90 year-old mother, 8 hours away in Southern California. She had been grocery shopping and someone stole her wallet from her purse while she was in the store. I could tell she was pretty upset. By the time I called back, a policewoman was at her home taking a report. My mother had already called the bank to put a stop on her debit card. The only other things taken were her ID card, and 20 dollars. She has no idea when her purse was violated. She thought it was close to her all the time. And of course she is trusting, too trusting, and apparently feeling safe in the store environment.
I began to get up tight about it and then thought, wait a minute. She is fine. It could have been worse—she could have been outside of the store and knocked to the ground and injured. So apparently someone thought they needed money worse than she did, (and maybe so). I don't like that the elderly are so vulnerable, yet I do want her, (and others) to have their independence. We soon realized it really didn't matter that much, just a little inconvenience—and another day of shopping as she could not pay for her groceries.
But what her experience brought to mind is what is happening here in California with threats of police officers and firemen being let go because there is no money to pay them. The Sacramento County Sheriff may have to let 200-300 officers go. Other cities are having the same problem. I don’t know if other states are going through this but it is shameful that we have this situation in California. I know one city has been able to avoid layoffs of their police force so far.
When unemployment is so high, new jobs almost nonexistent, people losing their homes, or places to live, it is absolutely no time to cut law enforcement. Crime goes up when people become desperate. We are already seeing that. So we all have to be more careful, more aware.
Live Large and Stay Safe...
I began to get up tight about it and then thought, wait a minute. She is fine. It could have been worse—she could have been outside of the store and knocked to the ground and injured. So apparently someone thought they needed money worse than she did, (and maybe so). I don't like that the elderly are so vulnerable, yet I do want her, (and others) to have their independence. We soon realized it really didn't matter that much, just a little inconvenience—and another day of shopping as she could not pay for her groceries.
But what her experience brought to mind is what is happening here in California with threats of police officers and firemen being let go because there is no money to pay them. The Sacramento County Sheriff may have to let 200-300 officers go. Other cities are having the same problem. I don’t know if other states are going through this but it is shameful that we have this situation in California. I know one city has been able to avoid layoffs of their police force so far.
When unemployment is so high, new jobs almost nonexistent, people losing their homes, or places to live, it is absolutely no time to cut law enforcement. Crime goes up when people become desperate. We are already seeing that. So we all have to be more careful, more aware.
Live Large and Stay Safe...
You do a tremendous job of putting a bad incident into perspective. You certainly do have a very positive attitude! & I agree with you about independence for the elderly as much as possible.
I'm glad your mom is okay. You're right - it could have been a lot worse. But I can imagine that she feels violated. I'm sure it was a case of her just walking away from the grocery cart for a second, leaving her purse sitting there, maybe even open, and someone came by and swiped her wallet. Probably someone who had their eye on her as an easy target. Usually I'm pretty good about keeping my purse or the cart with me at all times, but every once in awhile, I find myself thinking, "Oh, I'm only going RIGHT THERE." This is a reminder that I can't do it. Thanks for posting this, and again, I'm glad your mom is okay.
Thanks, John. It really does help to lighten up even at times when it can be somewhat difficult.
Thanks for your comments. Yes, we all have to be more careful.
I have to say, your mother seems "incredibly" capable and sharp witted for being 90. Such was not the case with my mother, who left this planet when she was 74 after having a 10 year relationship with Alzheimer's.
Thankfully, as you point out, your mother was unhurt. And, as you point out, as public service dwindle due to financial constraints, thugs will become active. Scary thoughts.
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