Now Available, my new ebook
A Loving Presence: Signs and Symbols from Your Angels and Spirit Guides by Linda Pendleton
Receive $75 worth of Bonus Gifts FREE with purchase of A Loving Presence ebook (PDF File).
A Loving Presence: Signs and Symbols from Your Angels and Spirit Guides by Linda Pendleton
Receive $75 worth of Bonus Gifts FREE with purchase of A Loving Presence ebook (PDF File).
Bonus Gifts include:
Charting Your Intuitive Experiences: To Heal, Solve Problems, Make Spiritual Contact and More! by Linda Pendleton
This downloadable workbook will help you chart and discover how to tap into your intuition to:
Solve problems faster and easier, Make spiritual contact, Heal, Achieve greater personal enlightenment, Tap into your own inner wisdom.
Messages from Behind the Veil: A Comparison of Channeled Truths by Linda Pendleton
Today's quest for spiritual understanding and enlightenment is really no different than that of another century. We still ask the same questions that have always been asked. Who are we? Why are we here? What is our purpose? This ebook is a collection of "messages" from the Other Side.
Spiritual Movies: Over 50 Inspirational Movie to Breathe in Spirit by Linda Pendleton
As long as movies have been made, there have been excellent spiritual and inspirational movies with the theme of spirituality, angels, ghosts or spirits woven into story lines.
Charting Your Intuitive Experiences: To Heal, Solve Problems, Make Spiritual Contact and More! by Linda Pendleton
This downloadable workbook will help you chart and discover how to tap into your intuition to:
Solve problems faster and easier, Make spiritual contact, Heal, Achieve greater personal enlightenment, Tap into your own inner wisdom.
Messages from Behind the Veil: A Comparison of Channeled Truths by Linda Pendleton
Today's quest for spiritual understanding and enlightenment is really no different than that of another century. We still ask the same questions that have always been asked. Who are we? Why are we here? What is our purpose? This ebook is a collection of "messages" from the Other Side.
Spiritual Movies: Over 50 Inspirational Movie to Breathe in Spirit by Linda Pendleton
As long as movies have been made, there have been excellent spiritual and inspirational movies with the theme of spirituality, angels, ghosts or spirits woven into story lines.
Through the Mist: Light at the End of the Tunnel by Linda Pendleton
The near-death experience (NDE) is discussed by author Linda Pendleton, whose late husband Don had two near-death experiences, once in 1979 and again in 1991. She details the experiences he shared with her and the spiritual beings he met in another dimension. This book offers a glimpse of what lies ahead and provides a sense of comfort about the death process.
And a Guided Audio Meditation by Laurie E. Smith, Miracles Coach.
All yours now with the purchase of the downloadable ebook, A Loving Presence: Signs and Symbols From Your Angels and Spirit Guides by Linda Pendleton.
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