Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"We Will Rebuild, We Will Recover..." President Obama

“The impact of this recession is real, and it is everywhere. But while our economy may be weakened and our confidence shaken, though we are living through difficult and uncertain times, tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.” ~President Obama

His speech was excellent and many, about 75-80-85%, are agreeing with me on that according to the polls I’m seeing, and in come cases 10% of those polled did not watch or hear it. Sounds pretty good that people are giving our President a chance to do things to change the difficult situation he inherited.

I am as optimistic now as I have been for the last months since we elected him our President. He is so refreshing…so intelligent…so open….

I believe a hopeful and optimistic attitude held by the majority of citizens will do wonders to shift the energy into a positive place and ensure decent outcomes for our country.
Bethea, an eighth-grade girl from South Carolina who, in a letter to lawmakers, asked for help for her school said, "We are not quitters."

How come a young girl knows that we are not quitters, but some adults in this country do not know that?



Unknown said...

Refreshing that we can have an optimistic outlook, even in tough times-- & it's good to see such a majority supporting President Obama. While I agree that he has many very admirable qualities & should make a fine leader, what's paramount is that people continue to believe in the promise of change & better times-- I do believe this can be a self-fulfilling prophecy if we stay strong-- like the grade school girl you quoted.

Linda Pendleton said...

Thanks for your comments, John. I believe we've learned how positive thoughts can make a difference in our world, both inner and outer. And those of us who have been around awhile have experienced the ups and downs that the country has gone through...and I can't help but have an optimistic outlook.