Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Linda's Pale-Pink Thoughts

On a rainy day, when making your bed, have you ever wanted to crawl back into your bed and get comfy again?

Even though today was not a rainy day, I realized every time I have this pair of soft, pale-pink sheets and pillow cases on my bed, I have a strong desire to climb in and pull the sheets around my shoulders and feel comfy and cozy. This desire does not happen when I use other color sheets such as the dark-blue ones I had just changed. Nor does it happen when I use any other color and design. I do not like busy sheet designs, and usually prefer a plain or simple design.

What I have to do when I have this particular pair of pale-pink sheets on my bed, is to make the bed soon, so I will not walk by it unmade and find myself crawling in again. So maybe that is a good thing. At least it keeps my bedroom neater.

I’m not into color therapy but I do have my favorite colors, and I would suppose those favorites make me feel good. And I know I reject those colors that do not feel good to me, as I suppose we all do. I like most all shades of blues, some greens, rose colors, browns, lavender, and burgundy, if not too dark. Colors I do not care for are oranges, most shades of yellow, and many shades of red.

While growing up in Southern California in the 1940s and 1950s, before the time of smog pollution, and before dryers, our wash was hung outside on the clothesline to dry in the fresh air. Washday was on Mondays in our home, and I loved the smell of clean sheets every Monday night. I used to tell my Mother that I wanted her to wash sheets every day, and her response to me was when I grew up I could wash sheets every day if I wanted but she was not about to do so. Of course, by the time I grew up "every day" seemed like a bad idea!

Nancy mentioned in her fist post that we sometimes have opposing views. I would say that is seldom, but we do have differing interests, likes and dislikes. One area we seem to be in agreement on is politics. I would have to add that was not always the case in earlier days, but it has been now for several years. After all, we do live in a Blue State. LOL

One thing we were always in agreement about while growing up, was our dog, Paisano. He was such a friend. Here he is on his birthday.


Nancy Tarver said...

We had great parties for Paisano! Sometimes he wore a hat. Thanks for posting the picture. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new blog, and thank you for pointing it out to me. I'll check on you regularly.